Chapter 17 Quality of Service (QoS)
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
4 Displays the WLAN interface’s auto priority mapping settings.
This example adds one WLAN class using the following settings (and then displays it).
• Class number: 1
• Class name: WLAN-class1
• Priority: auto
This example adds a filter on the WLAN class using the following settings.
• Class number: 1
•Service: FTP
• Destination address:
• Source port: Any
• Source address: Any
• Destination address: Any
• Destination port: Any
ras> qos active on
ras> qos priq wlan enable
ras> qos priq wlan set 1 1 1
ras> qos priq wlan show
Interface: WLAN [Enabled]
Auto priority mapping
1. Ethernet Priority: [ ON]
2. IP Precedence: [ ON]
3. Packet Size: [ ON]
ras> qos class wlan mod 1 name WLAN-class1 priority auto
Class setting is done.
ras> qos show class wlan 1
Class 1 Name: WLAN-class1
Priority: AUTO
Route policy: NONE
DSCP policy: NONE
VLAN policy: NONE
BW policer: NONE
Filter setting: NONE