Chapter 22 Wireless LAN Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
wlan mssid guest_autoOff <1
This command enables or disables an automatic
timeout feature of the guest wireless network. If you
enable this feature the guest wireless network is
turned off after the specified amount of time.
Type 1 to enable the automatic timeout feature, and
enter the number of minutes that the guest
wireless network stays active. Enter a number from
0 to 30000. Entering 0 resets the value to the default
(60 minutes).
Type 0 to disable the automatic timeout feature.
wlan mssid guestssid <ssid> Use this command to specify the SSID of the guest
wireless network. This is the SSID guests have to
configure on their wireless clients to connect to your
wireless network. Type a descriptive name (up to 32
printable 7-bit ASCII characters) for the wireless
wlan mssid mode <0:guestssid off
1:guestssid on> <0:intranet blocking
off 1:intranet blocking on>
This command performs two functions and is
followed by two parameters.
The first parameter specifies whether you want to
enable or disable your guest wireless network. Type
0 to disable the guest wireless network or type 1 to
enable the guest wireless network.
The second parameter specifies whether you want
to block guests in the guest wireless network from
accessing resources on your LAN. Type 0 to allow
guests to access resources on your LAN or type 1
to block guests from accessing resources on your
LAN and allow access to the Internet via the ZyXEL
Device only.
wlan mssid setprivacy defaultkeyID
This command specifies which WEP key guests
have to configure on their wireless clients to access
the guest wireless network.
wlan mssid setprivacy type <0|1|2|3> This command specifies the security mode for the
guest wireless network.
Type one of the following:
0 to disable security on the guest wireless network,
1 to enable 64-bit WEP key encryption,
2 to enable 128-bit WEP key encryption,
3 to enable 256-bit WEP key encryption.
wlan mssid setprivacy wepkey
<1|2|3|4> <key>
This command allows you to create up to four WEP
keys. Enter 1, 2, 3 or 4 to specify which WEP key
you are creating followed by any 5, 13 or 29
characters (ASCII string) or 10, 26 or 58
hexadecimal characters ("0-9", "A-F") for a 64-bit,
128-bit or 256-bit WEP key respectively.
wlan mssid show Displays major and guest SSID settings.
Table 69 General Wireless Commands (continued)