Chapter 20 VoIP Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
20.8.1 VoIP PSTN Line Command Examples
This example sets all telephones connected to the ZyXEL Device to receive calls via the PSTN
20.9 VoIP Call Forwarding Commands
Use these commands to configure call-forwarding rules on the ZyXEL Device.
voice config fxo fxoflashmin <index>
Sets the fxo flash key min interval value (miliseconds).
The flash key being pressed is only recognized by the
ZyXEL Device if it is pressed for a longer period than the
flash key min interval but a shorter period than the flash
key max interval.
voice config fxo fxoflashmax <index>
Sets the fxo flash key max interval value (miliseconds).
The flash key being pressed is only recognized by the
ZyXEL Device if it is pressed for a longer period than the
flash key min interval but a shorter period than the flash
key max interval.
voice config fxo fxophselect <index>
Specifies which telephones should receive calls via the
PSTN line.
voice config fxo save <index> Saves the PSTN line configuration entry in the working
buffer to non-volatile memory.
The working buffer is a volatile memory space. The
settings in the working buffer are not applied to the
ZyXEL Device until you execute this command.
voice config fxo display Displays the saved values for the PSTN line
configuration entry.
voice config fxo dumpCfg Displays the configured values in the working buffer for
the specified configuration.
Table 55 PSTN Line Command Summary
ras> voice config fxo index 1
ras> voice config fxo fxophselect 1 0 1
ras> voice config fxo save 1
Table 56 Call-forwarding Command Summary
voice config forward index <index> Specifies the call-forwarding table you want to configure.
voice config forward unconditional <index>
Specifies the phone number to which the ZyXEL Device
forwards all incoming calls.
voice config forward busy <index> <phone-
Specifies the phone number to which the ZyXEL Device
forwards incoming calls when the phone port is busy.
voice config forward noanswer <index>
Specifies the phone number to which the ZyXEL Device
forwards incoming calls when the call goes unanswered
for a period of time you specify in the voice config
forward noanstime command.
voice config forward noanstime <index>
Sets the amount of time the ZyXEL Device waits before it
considers a call unanswered.