Chapter 21 WAN Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
wan node backup pppopt com <yes|no> Activates or deactivates PPP compression on the
previously-specified WAN backup node.
wan node backup pppopt encap
Sets the PPP encapsulation mode of the previously-
specified WAN backup node.
std: standard PPP encapsulation.
cisco: Cisco PPP encapsulation.
wan node backup priph <primary-
Specifies the phone number the ZyXEL Device
should call in order to make a connection to the
previously-specified backup WAN node.
wan node backup private <yes|no> Specifies whether the previously-specified WAN
backup node is private or not.
wan node backup remoteip <ip-
address> <subnet mask>
Sets the remote gateway IP address and subnet
mask of the previously-specified WAN backup node.
wan node backup rip
Sets the Routing Information Protocol (RIP) mode
and type of the previously-specified WAN backup
wan node backup script set <1~6>
<expect> <send>
Configures the specified PPP chat script to transmit
the defined send string when it receives the defined
expect string.
For example, the command:
wan node backup set 2 123 456
sets script 2 to transmit “456” when it receives
Note: Use the wan node index 9
command to specify the backup
WAN node.
wan node backup secph <secondary-
Specifies the backup phone number the ZyXEL
Device should call in order to make a connection to
the previously-specified backup WAN node.
The ZyXEL Device calls this number if the primary
phone number is busy or does not answer.
wan node backup wanip <static <ip-
Sets the WAN IP address and mode (static or
dynamic) of the previously-specified WAN backup
wan node bridge <on|off> Activates or deactivates bridge mode on the
previously-specified WAN node profile.
wan node bridgetimeout <minutes> Type the time (in minutes) for the ZyXEL Device to
retain the Ethernet address information in its internal
tables while the line is down. If this information is
retained, your ZyXEL Device will not have to
recompile the tables when the line comes back up.
wan node callsch <set#1> <set#2>
<set#3> <set#4>
Sets the call scheduling profile(s) used by the
previously-specified WAN node profile.
Use the wan callsch commands to configure call
scheduling profiles.
wan node clear Returns the WAN node you previously specified
with the wan node index <node#> command to
its defaults.
wan node disable Deactivates the previously-specified WAN node
Table 66 wan node Commands (continued)