DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
IP Commands
Use these commands to configure IP settings on the ZyXEL Device.
13.1 Command Summary
The following table describes input values for some of the ip commands. Other values are
discussed with the corresponding commands.
The following section lists the IP commands.
Table 29 IP Command Input Values
ip An IP address in dotted decimal notation. For example,
port A protocol’s port number.
interface An interface on the ZyXEL Device. enif refers to an Ethernet interface.
enif0: LAN
enif1: WAN
enif2: DMZ
wanif0: PPPoE or PPPoA
For some commands you can also add a colon and a 0 or 1 to specify an IP alias.
This is only for the LAN and DMZ WLAN interfaces. For example, enif0:0
specifies LAN IP alias 1 and enif0:1 specifies LAN IP alias 2.
hostname A domain name.
mask-bits The number of bits in an address’s subnet mask. To find the bit number, convert
the subnet mask to binary and add all of the 1’s together. Take “” for
example. 255 converts to eight 1’s in binary. There are three 255’s, so add three
eights together and you get the bit number (24).
num The number of system report records to display. For example, if you specify 10,
the top 10 report entries display.
Table 30 IP Commands
ip arp status [interface] Displays an interface’s ARP table.
ip des test Performs the DES/3DES hardware chip testing and
displays the result.
ip des reset Resets the DES/3DES hardware chip.
ip dhcp <interface> client
Releases the specified interface’s DHCP IP address. The
interface must be a DHCP client to use this command.
ip dhcp <interface> client
Renews the specified interface’s DHCP IP address. The
interface must be a DHCP client to use this command.