
Chapter 19 System Commands
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
sys tripleplay igmpsnp
maxresptime [tenthsofasecond]
Displays or sets the maximum response time for a IGMP membership
query in tenths of a second.
This is used to determine the total group timeout value.
IGMP Group Timeout = (Robustness x Query Interval) + (Max
Response Time/10) + Time Value.(default = 2).
sys tripleplay igmpsnp
queryinterval [seconds]
Displays or sets the IGMP query interval time in seconds.
This is used to determine the query timeout value.
IGMP Query Timeout = (Robustness x Query Interval) + (Max
Response Time/20) + Time Value (default = 2).
sys tripleplay igmpsnp robust
Displays or sets the level of robustness.
robustness: This variable represents the level of expected packet
loss on the subnet. The range is 2-255.
This is used to determine the leave timeout:
IGMP Leave Timeout = Robustness x Max Response Time/100 + 3
sys tripleplay portbase disable Disables port-based tripleplay services.
sys tripleplay portbase display Displays the permanent virtual circuit (PVC) to port mappings for
tripleplay services such VoIP or video.
sys tripleplay portbase enable Enables port-based tripleplay services.
sys tripleplay portbase groupadd
Adds ports and/or interfaces to a group mapping policy.
sys tripleplay portbase groupdel
Deletes the whole group or individual members.
sys tripleplay portbase groupset
Sets a group port to PVC mapping policy, with up to eight PVCs
allowed. WLAN may only belong to one group.
If a product supports multiple SSID, each one will be treated as if it
were a port.
sys tripleplay portbase save Saves the port mappings to non-volatile memory.
sys tripleplay portbase set
Sets a single port to single PVC mapping policy.
pvcid: The number of the PVC, between 1-8.
sys upnp active [0:no|1:yes] Activates or deactivates the saved UPnP settings.
sys upnp config
Allows users to make configuration changes through UPnP.
sys upnp display Displays the UPnP configuration.
sys upnp firewall
Allows UPnP to pass through the firewall.
sys upnp load Loads the UPnP setting buffer. Use this command to be able to
configure the settings. Use sys upnp save after you configure the
sys upnp reserve
Retains UPnP created NAT rules even after restarting.
sys upnp save Saves the UPnP settings to the long term memory.
sys userPassword <password> Changes the user password.
This command may not be supported in your ZyXEL Device.
sys version Displays the firmware and bootbase versions.
Table 44 sys Commands (continued)