Chapter 6 Bandwidth Management
DSL & IAD CLI Reference Guide
• Source port: Any
• Source address: Any
• Destination address: Any
• Destination port: Any
•Protocol: Any.
This example monitors the runtime situation for all WAN classes.
Each interface has one root class (0) and one default class (99). In this example, you can see
only one user-defined class (1). The root class (0) displays total traffic amount for the WLAN
interface. You can see the current bandwidth usage matching the class 1 rule is 0 b. The default
class (99) includes the bandwidth usage for traffic that doesn't match any user-defined class
rules. 97 and 98 are classes for automatically classified traffic.
ras> bm filter wlan add 1 service ftp 0 0 0 0 0
Filter setting is done.
ras> bm show filter wlan 1
Class 1 Class Note: WLAN-class1
Filter Enabled: Yes
Destination(A : P): ( : 0)
Destination Netmask:
Source(A : P): ( : 0)
Source Netmask:
Protocol: 0
Special for Service: FTP
ras> bm monitor wlan
wlan - 0: 14Kb 1: 0b 97: 6Kb 98: 8Kb
99: 0b
wlan - 0: 3Kb 1: 0b 97: 3Kb 98: 0b
99: 448b
wlan - 0: 3Kb 1: 0b 97: 3Kb 98: 0b
99: 0b
wlan - 0: 2Kb 1: 0b 97: 2Kb 98: 0b
99: 448bbm monitor wlan