Chapter 6
6 - 6
Configuration notes
For the globally-distributed network configuration shown in
Figure 6.1, on page 6-1, we have set up one wide IP, labeled
www.siterequest.com, and we added two pools to the wide IP,
americas_pool and europe_pool. When you configure the topology
records, as explained in the next section, we designate these two
pools to process the load balancing requests based on the
geographic location of the local DNS server or client making the
Configuring topology records for the globally-distributed network
You must configure topology records before the 3-DNS Controller can use
the Topology load balancing mode. The Topology load balancing mode
distributes connections after evaluating and scoring the topology records in
the topology statement. If you have no topology records in the topology
statement, or if the scores returned for two or more records are equal, the
3-DNS Controller load balances the virtual servers using the Random load
balancing mode.
The following procedure explains how to configure topology records in the
Configuration utility. For more information on how the 3-DNS Controller
uses the topology records, and how to configure topology in the wideip.conf
file, please review Chapter 3, Topology, in the 3-DNS Reference Guide.
To configure topology records using the Configuration utility
1. In the navigation pane, click Topology.
The Manage Topology Records screen opens.
2. Specify the settings for the topology records.
3. Click Add.
For information and help on the specific settings on any screen in the
Configuration utility, click Help on the toolbar.
For the globally-distributed network configuration shown in Figure 6.1, on
page 6-1, we added topology records, as shown in Figure 6.2.
//server ldns score
pool.americas_pool cont.North America 100
pool.europe_pool !cont.North America 100
Figure 6.2 Example of a topology statement