Post-Setup Tasks
Administrator Guide 4 - 13
3. Click the Add button.
4. In the IP Address box, type the self IP address to be assigned.
5. In the Netmask box, type an optional netmask.
6. In the Broadcast box, type an optional broadcast address.
7. If you want to configure the self IP address as a floating address,
check the Floating box.
8. If you want to enable the address for SNAT auto-mapping, check
the SNAT Automap box.
9. In the VLAN box, type the name of the VLAN to which you want to
assign the self IP address.
10. Click Done.
To add a self IP address to a VLAN from the command line
Use the following syntax:
b self <addr> vlan <vlan_name> [ netmask <ip_mask> ][ broadcast <broadcast_addr>] [unit
You can add any number of additional self IP addresses to a VLAN to create
aliases. For example:
b self vlan external
b self vlan external
b self vlan external
b self vlan external
Also, any one self IP address may have floating enabled to create a floating
alias that is shared by both units of a redundant system:
b self floating enable
Assigning a self IP address to an interface automatically maps it to the
VLAN of which it is a member. Assigning a self IP address to an interface
not mapped to an untagged VLAN produces an error message.