Chapter 8
8 - 4
To modify QOS coefficients for a specific wide IP using the
Configuration utility
1. In the navigation pane, click Wide IPs.
2. In the Wide IP column, click a wide IP name.
The Modify Wide IP screen opens.
3. On the toolbar, click Modify Pool.
The Modify Wide IP Pools screen opens.
4. In the Pool Name column, click the name of a pool.
The Modify Load Balancing screen opens.
5. Define the wide IP’s QOS coefficients in the Round Trip Time,
Completion Rate, Hops, BIG-IP Packet Rate, Topology, Link
Capacity, VS Capacity, and Kilobytes/Second boxes.
6. Click Update.
To assign global QOS coefficients from the command line
1. Type the following command to ensure that the configuration files
contain the same information as the memory cache.
3ndc dumpdb
2. Open the wideip.conf file in a text editor (either vi or pico).
3. Locate or add the globals statement. The globals statement should
be at the top of the file.
4. Refer to the example syntax shown in Figure 8.2 to define a global
QOS equation. Note that Figure 8.2 shows the default values for the
QOS coefficients.
5. Save and close the file.
6. Commit the changes to the configuration by typing:
3ndc reload
globals {
qos_coeff_rtt 50
qos_coeff_completion_rate 5
qos_coeff_packet_rate 1
qos_coeff_topology 0
qos_coeff_hops 0
qos_coeff_lcs 30
qos_coeff_vs_capacity 0
qos_coeff_kbps 0
Figure 8.2 Sample global QOS equation