Post-Setup Tasks
Administrator Guide 4 - 5
Figure 4.3 Simple VLAN configuration for a 3-DNS Controller
VLAN flexibility is such that separate IP networks can belong to a single
VLAN, while a single IP network can be split among multiple VLANs. (The
latter case allows the 3-DNS Controller to be inserted into an existing LAN
without renaming the nodes.) The VLANs named external and internal are
separate networks, and in the configuration shown they behave like separate
networks. The networks belonging to VLAN internal are also separate
networks, but have been made to behave like a single network. This is
accomplished using a feature called VLAN bridging.
Your default VLAN configuration is created using the Setup utility. On a
typical unit with two interfaces, you create an internal and external VLAN.
Creating, renaming, and deleting VLANs
Typically, if you use the default configuration, one VLAN is assigned to
each interface. However, if you need to change your network configuration,
or if the default VLANs are not adequate for a network configuration, you
can create new VLANs, rename existing VLANs, or delete a VLAN.
To create a VLAN using the Configuration utility
1. In the navigation pane, click Network.
The VLANs screen opens.
2. Click the Add button.
3. Type the attributes for the VLAN.
4. Click Done.