Chapter 4
4 - 10
To enable or disable port lockdown using the Configuration
1. In the navigation pane, click Network.
The VLAN screen opens.
2. Click the VLAN name in the list.
The properties screen for that VLAN opens.
3. To enable port lockdown, click a check in the Port Lockdown box.
To disable port lockdown, clear the Port Lockdown check box.
4. Click Done.
To enable or disable port lockdown from the command line
To enable port lockdown, type:
b vlan <vlan_name> port_lockdown enable
To disable port lockdown, type:
b vlan <vlan_name> port_lockdown disable
Setting fail-safe timeouts for VLANs
For redundant 3-DNS units, you can enable a failsafe mechanism that will
fail over when loss of traffic is detected on a VLAN, and traffic is not
restored during the fail-over timeout period for that VLAN. You can enable
a fail-safe mechanism to attempt to generate traffic when half the timeout
has elapsed. If the attempt is successful, the fail-over is stopped.
To set the fail-over timeout and arm the fail-safe using the
Configuration utility
1. In the navigation pane, click Network.
The VLAN screen opens.
2. Click the VLAN name in the list.
The properties screen for that VLAN opens.
3. Check the Arm Failsafe box, and specify the timeout in seconds in
the Timeout box.