Chapter 10
10 - 4
Running the 3dns_add script
You can run the 3dns_add script on the new 3-DNS Controller either by
using a remote secure shell session, or by using a monitor and keyboard
connected directly to the controller.
To run the 3dns_add script
1. At the login prompt on the new controller, type root.
2. At the password prompt, type the password you configured when
you ran the Setup utility.
3. To run the script, type 3dns_add at the command line.
The script performs the following tasks:
• Copies the existing controller’s configuration to the new
• Sets up SSH communications between the new controller and
existing F5 devices in the network
• Copies the existing controller’s iQuery key to the new controller
so communications between the controller and the big3d agents
are secure
• Gives you the option of synchronizing the named.conf file and
any existing zone files
Verifying the configuration
Once the script finishes, we recommend that you verify the following
aspects of your configuration:
• Verify that each 3-DNS Controller has the necessary agents and daemons
• Verify that any servers you configured are up and available to receive
load balancing requests.
• Verify that any virtual servers you configured are up and available to
respond to requests.
• Verify that any wide IPs you configured are load balancing requests as
you configured them.
You can perform these verification tasks on any of the systems in the sync
group. The following procedures describe the verification process in detail.
To verify that each 3-DNS Controller has the necessary agents
and daemons running
1. In the navigation pane, expand the Statistics item, and click 3-DNS.
The 3-DNS Statistics screen opens.