Chapter 5
5 - 10
If you do not turn on Discovery when you add the EDGE-FX system to the
configuration, then use the following procedure to add virtual servers to the
EDGE-FX definition in the configuration.
To add virtual servers using the Configuration utility
1. In the navigation pane, click Servers, then click EDGE-FX.
2. In the table, find the EDGE-FX system that you just added.
3. Click the entry in its EDGE-FX Virtual Servers column.
4. On the toolbar, click Add Virtual Server.
The Add Virtual Server to EDGE-FX screen opens.
5. Add the new virtual server settings. For help on adding virtual
servers, click Help on the toolbar.
Repeat this process for each virtual server you want to add. Note that
GLOBAL-SITE Controllers do not manage virtual servers.
For details on how to configure an EDGE-FX system from the command
line, refer to Appendix A, 3-DNS Configuration File, in the 3-DNS
Reference Guide.
Defining host servers
A host is an individual network server or server array controller other than a
3-DNS Controller, BIG-IP system, EDGE-FX Cache, GLOBAL-SITE
Controller, or router. Before configuring a host, you should have the
following information:
◆ Address information
The IP address and service name or port number of each virtual server to
be managed by the host.
◆ SNMP information for host probing
To implement host probing and to collect performance metrics, you must
specify SNMP agent settings after you define the host server. The
settings you specify include the type and version of SNMP agent that
runs on the host, the community string, and the number of
communication attempts that you want the big3d agent to make while
gathering host metrics. SNMP agent settings for hosts are described in
Configuring host SNMP settings, on page 5-12.
To fully configure host probing, you must configure the SNMP agent
settings in the host definition as previously described, set up the big3d
agents to run SNMP factories, and configure the SNMP agents on the hosts
themselves. For details, please refer to Chapter 5, Probing and Metrics
Collection, in the 3-DNS Reference Guide.