routers, host names 4-1
configuring 3-16
rsh utilities 2-9
sample 3-DNS configuration 2-1
sample configuration
big3d agent communications 2-1
scalability 1-6
security features 1-6
self IP address, about 4-12
self IP addresses
and translations 1-10
for target devices 3-7
server performance
monitoring 6-8
server types 5-5
defining 2-7
defining a 3-DNS Controller 5-5
defining a BIG-IP system 5-6
defining additional 3-DNS Controllers 10-1
defining in the configuration 5-5
See also data center servers
setup command 3-2
Setup utility 1-2
configuring 3-DNS mode 3-11
configuring NameSurfer 3-13
default IP address access 3-3
default password 3-2
NTP support 3-10
purpose of 4-1
rerunning from a web browser 3-4
rerunning from the command line 3-5
running from a browser 3-3
running from an ssh client 3-4
running from the command line 3-4
running from the console 3-2
system settings defined 3-1
single physical location 5-3
SMTP 1-6
SNMP 1-6
and host prober 5-12
host prober 5-10
SNMP agents
and supported hosts 5-12
SNMP host probing 5-12
SNMP prober 5-12
MindTerm SSH console 1-6
ssh utilities 2-9
SSL 1-6
statistics screens 1-10
stylistic conventions 1-4
sync group
about 1-7, 2-8
and 3dns_add script 10-1
and time tolerance variable 2-8
and zone files 2-11
broadcasting configurations 2-6
configuring 5-13
defined 2-7
planning 2-6
planning configurations 2-7
sample configuration 2-2
sync groups
and additional systems 10-1
configuring 5-13
defined 5-13
synchronization 1-9
synchronized files
and time tolerance variable 2-8
and zone files 2-11
system accounts 1-9
system resources
about 6-7
setting limits 6-7
tagged interfaces
defined 4-7
embedding in packet headers 4-7
technical support 1-11
time tolerance value
setting 5-14
time tolerance variable 5-14
about 2-8
and sync groups 2-8
time zone, configuring 3-10
Topology load balancing
about 2-12
using in a CDN 7-8
using in a global network 6-2
topology records
configuring 6-6
topology statement
configuring topology records 6-6
using in a CDN 7-8
restricting through tagged interfaces 4-7
restricting through untagged interfaces 4-7
unit ID numbers 3-6
untagged interfaces
defined 4-7
User Access screen 1-9