User's manual OnCourse Navigator | 4
Appendix - 102 -
7.1 Annex A: Configuration of OnCourse Navigator
Configuration In OnCourse Navigator, you may modify the following settings:
Ù Map information, see below.
Ù Route information, see page 103.
Ù Volume, see page 103.
Ù Representation, see page 104.
Ù Auto mode, see page 104.
Ù Speed profile, see page 104.
Ù Logbook, see page 105.
Ù Keypad, see page 105.
Ù Itinerary, see page 105.
Ù Format, see page 105.
Ù GPS, see page 106.
Ù Home address, see page 106.
On the main screen, tap the Settings button to configure
OnCourse Navigator.
On the S
ETTINGS screen, tap the Save button to apply your
modifications if you have made some.
7.1.1 Map information
Map information On the MAP INFORMATION screen, you may effect the following
Element Signification
Info bar
The Info bar at the bottom of the map
displays the scale of the map, the current
gradient, the compass, the current height
above sea level, and the current speed.
Tap the respective command button to
display (Yes) or not (No) the Info bar.
Points of Interest
Tap the respective command button to
display (Yes) or not (No) Points of
Interest on the map.
Street names
Tap the respective command button to
display (Yes) or not (No) Street names on
the map.