User's manual OnCourse Navigator | 4
Additional software: MapExport - 85 -
Checking, displaying and exporting itineraries
Survey You may plan as much itineraries as you want, e.g. for holidays,
in order to use them later for navigation purposes.
At any moment, you may add stage points, change their order or
display an itinerary on the map.
The following commands are available:
One place up
Click the One place up icon to navigate to the respective stage
point earlier (example: stage 3 becomes stage 2).
One place down
Click the One place down icon to navigate to the respective
stage point later (example: stage 2 becomes stage 3).
Adding route points… Determine other route points and add them to the list of route
For details, please refer to “Defining the stage points of an
itinerary”, page 81.
Delete stage
Click the Delete stage point icon to delete the respective stage
Display stage point
Click the Display stage point icon to display the respective
stage point on the map.
Displaying and
calculating the
Click the Display corridor icon to display and to calculate the
route with its corridor.
The route will be highlighted in blue, the corridor and the circles
around the stage points in transparent gray. The stage points will
be indicated by small flags.