User's manual OnCourse Navigator | 4
Operating the navigation software - 41 -
3.3.5 Saved destinations
Saved destinations All destinations you have saved by tapping the Save button are
listed on the S
AVED DESTINATIONS screen. On this screen you
Ù select destinations for navigation purposes,
Ù rename destinations, and
Ù delete destinations from the list.
Take over 1. On the main screen tap One destination.
The D
ESTINATION screen opens.
2. Tap the Saved destinations button.
3. Tap the entry of the respective destination.
Notice: The list may be scrolled via the “up” and “down”
icons. You may as well enter the first letter of the respective
destination. The list will then automatically scroll to the first
destination matching your entry.
4. Tap OK.
The destination will be taken over. The address is entered into
the respective fields.
Renaming a
1. Tap the entry of the destination to be renamed.
2. Tap the Rename icon.
The N
AME OF DESTINATION dialog box opens.
3. Enter the new name.
4. Tap OK.
The destination is now renamed.