User's manual OnCourse Navigator | 4
Additional software: MapExport - 89 -
5.4.2 Area
Survey You may cut a rectangle of the base map and export it. The map
segment may be exported to the hard disc and may then be
transferred to your Pocket PC.
Looking for Hawaii…? Hawaii is not covered by the base map. The delivery of
OnCourse Navigator includes, however, an already exported
map section of Hawaii, which you may directly transfer to your
Pocket PC.
1. To transmit the map of Hawaii, click the Hawaii button.
The M
AP ARCHIVE window opens.
2. Proceed as described in “Transferring segments of the base
map”, page 93.
Determining an
1. On the M
AIN MENU, click the Area icon.
The A
REA window opens:
The base map is being displayed in the map sector. The
functional sector shows information and the needed operational
Procedure 1. On the map, search for the area you want to export.