User's manual OnCourse Navigator | 4
Appendix - 106 -
7.1.11 GPS
GPS On the GPS screen, configure the GPS receiver.
Element Signification
Type of receiver
Tap the Type of receiver field. Select the
appropriate receiver from the list and tap
Tap the Com-Port field and indicate the
COM / USB-port used by the receiver.
If you are using a GPS receiver of another
brand (Type: Other receiver), enter the
respective Baud rate into the Baud field.
7.1.12 Home address
Home address On the HOME ADDRESS screen, you may save your home address
to quickly start navigation homewards from anywhere.
1. Tap Enter your home address.
The D
ESTINATION screen opens.
2. Tap the Address button and enter your home address as
described in “Entering a destination manually”, page 31.
3. Tap the Set as home address button.
The address is indicated on the H