User's manual OnCourse Navigator | 4
Additional software: MapExport - 74 -
5.2.3 Hot keys
Survey The hot keys which enable MapExport operation without mouse
are listed below:
Key Function
Focuses the next field or button
Focuses the next menu item.
Focuses the previous field or button
Focuses the previous menu item.
Arrow keys
[UP] – Selects the previous list item
or focuses the previous radio button
of an option group.
[DOWN] – Selects the next list item or
focuses the next radio button of an
option group.
Executes the action of the focused
command button.
Validates a town or street entry.
Activates / deactivates the focused
radio button of an option group
Checks / Unchecks the focused
[ALT] + [DOWN]
Opens the list of the focused combo
Closes the dialog box.
Closes the combo box list.
[F1] Calls Online help.
[ALT] + [F4]
Quits Online help.
Quits MapExport.