User's manual OnCourse Navigator | 4
Additional software: MapExport - 77 -
Standard folder for
customized maps
A standard folder for customized maps has been created during
the installation process. All customized maps you have exported
(areas and corridors) are stored therein.
Modifying the path to
the standard folder
for Customized
1. In the W
INDOWS EXPLORER, create a new folder for
Customized maps.
2. In the M
AIN MENU of MapExport, click the Select command
at the right of the Customized maps field.
The SELECT FOLDER dialog box opens.
3. Select the new folder for the Customized maps.
4. Click OK.
The new path is now indicated in the Customized maps
Standard maps
Survey There are CDs with already exported map segments included in
the delivery, which are ready for use on your Pocket PC.
You may load these maps directly from the CD-ROM and as well
transmit them to your Pocket PC.
Loading a Standard
1. Insert the CD containing the respective map into your CD-
ROM drive.
2. On the M
AIN MENU, click the Map archive button.
The M
AP ARCHIVE window opens.
3. In the Standard maps list field of the functional section, click
the entry of the map to display.
The respective map is now being displayed in the Map section
at the left of the window.
Notice: If you do not have inserted the right CD you will be
prompted to do so. The respective map will then be displayed in
the Map section at the left of the window.