User's manual OnCourse Navigator | 4
Additional software: MapExport - 84 -
Defining the route options
Defining the route
1. Click the Route options button.
The R
OUTE OPTIONS dialog window opens:
Route options 2. Select one of the following options from the upper section:
Option Signification
Quick route The quickest route will be calculated.
Short route The shortest route will be calculated.
Pedestrian route
A route for pedestrians will be calculated.
One-way directives and prohibitions of
vehicular traffic will be disregarded.
Speed profile 3. Select the appropriate entry from the Speed profile combo
This entry will have an effect on the calculation of the
remaining time and of the estimated time of arrival (ETA).
Roads to be avoided 4. Determine whether you want to Avoid interstates, to Avoid
ferries, and / or to Avoid tollways by checking the
respective checkboxes.
Even if you check the boxes, the respective roads will only be
avoided if it is possible with reasonable detour and
5. Click OK.
Notice: The R
OUTE OPTIONS configuration will be saved. You
will not have to modify them except if you want to determine
other route options.