C4614M (3/09) 11
Title Bar: The Endura Mapping name appears here along with the name of the user that is
currently logged on and the map being viewed.
Toolbar: Click buttons on the toolbar to access the commands and other screens in the
application. Only those buttons that are currently available appear in the toolbar. If a button is
missing from the toolbar, contact the system administrator to determine the permissions needed
to perform the associated function.
Create a new map. Save the currently selected map.
Edit the currently selected map. Delete the currently selected map.
Undo an action. Redo an action.
Edit application settings.
Switch to Edit Mode to monitor
alarms on maps.
Switch to Live Mode to edit or
create maps.
Display the online help.
Log off from the application and
redisplay the Login screen.
Map Browser: Select a map from the list to display it in the map viewer. Click the Expand All or
Collapse All buttons to change the display of the hierarchical list.
Map Viewer: Edit the map using any of the editing tools. You can add icon layers, shape layers,
and icons to a map; associate devices with the icons; and create different views of the map.
Layers: Create or select an icon layer from the browser list to show or hide its icons on the map.
You can add, remove, or edit icons in the layer. To hide the background image of a map, click the
Hide Background button .
Shapes: Create or select a shape layer from the browser list to show or hide its shapes on the
map. You can edit, delete, or create shapes in the layer.
Editing Tools: Select a tool to draw shape layers on the map. You can draw a square or
rectangle, a polygon, or a circle or ellipse. Use the text tool to enter a description of the shape.
Icons: Select the icons to place on the layers on the map.
Device Browser: Select devices from the list, and then associate them with icons on the map.
You can associate one or more devices with any icon.