
C4614M (3/09) 17
An icon on a map changes color and flashes when an alarm occurs that is related to the icon. Follow these
steps to respond to the alarm:
1. Right-click an icon on a map. The Device Details dialog box appears.
Figure 13. Monitoring an Alarm
2. Note the number in the color-coded boxes along the top of the dialog box as follows:
The red box indicates the number of critical alarms.
The orange box indicates the number of major alarms.
The yellow box indicates the number of normal alarms.
The green box indicates the number of minor alarms.
3. Double-click a color-coded box to view details about the alarms on the Alarms tab. A list of alarms
appears on the tab. As more alarms occur, they appear in the list.
TIP: To control the length of the Active Alarms list, click the Pause List or Resume List icons.
To show or hide an entire category of alarms in the list, click a color-coded box.
4. Close the dialog box when you are done.
Title Bar: The Endura Mapping name appears here along with the name of the user that is
currently logged on and the map being viewed.
Toolbar: Click buttons on the toolbar to access the commands and other screens in the
application. Only those buttons that are currently available appear in the toolbar. If a button is
missing from the toolbar, contact the system administrator to determine the permissions needed
to perform the associated function (refer to page 10).
Map Browser: Select a map from the list to display it in the map viewer. The number and
severity of alarms appear in the list next to each map. Click the Expand All or Collapse All buttons
to change the display of the hierarchical list.
Icon Layers: Select an icon layer from the browser list to show or hide its icons on the map.
Shape Layers: Select a shape layer from the browser list to show or hide its shapes on the map.
Map Viewer: View the selected map. You can change the views, show or hide layers, view
video associated with any of the icons on the map, send video to the software for someone else
to view, and respond to alarms and events.