C4614M (3/09) 5
About This Guide
Thank you for purchasing Pelco’s Endura
Mapping application. This guide provides instructions on
installing the application along with basic instructions on how to operate the application, create maps,
and monitor alarm events. For proper network configuration, follow the instructions in the Endura Network
Design Guide, which is available at the Pelco Web site (www.pelco.com). For detailed instructions on
programming and using your application, refer to the operation manual, which is available electronically
on the Endura Mapping Resource disc or at the Pelco Partner Portal. You also can find complete
instructions for operating the application in the online Help.
To use Endura Mapping you must perform the following steps in this order:
• Install the Endura Mapping server on the primary Endura system manager (SM5000).
• Install the Endura Mapping application on any Endura Workstation or personal computer on which
the WS5000 software version 2.0 is installed.
During this installation, the IP address of the SM5000 must be provided. Follow the instructions below to
locate the IP Address. You must have administrator permissions to install the software.
1. Start the software, and then open the Devices setup screen.
2. Select the system manager on which to install the Endura Mapping server, and then click the
Properties button. The Properties screen appears.
3. Make a note of the IP address, and then click OK to close the screen. It is not necessary to exit the
Figure 1. Locating the IP Address for the SM5000