
The Audiometer Option 183
3. Place the reference microphone on a stand 1 meter from the sound field
speaker. Position it at the head height of a seated listener. See Figure 7.3.1C.
4. Enter the Audiogram Entry screen by pressing [F2] in the Opening screen
and using [NEXT] and [BACK] as necessary.
5. Press [MENU].
6. Select EAR and choose the desired ear, using the arrow keys.
7. Select ASSESSMENT and choose SPEAKER, using the arrow keys.
8. Select SOUND FIELD and choose 0º, using the arrow keys.
9. Select REF MIC (SPEAKER) and choose OFF, using the arrow keys. (The ref-
erence microphone will automatically be used for the leveling process, but
you will probably not want to use it for the audiometric measurements.)
10. Press [EXIT].
11. Press [LEVEL] to level the sound field speaker.
12. Remove the stand and set the reference microphone aside. Proceed to
Section 7.4 to perform the audiometric measurements.
1 meter
Speaker and microphone
at height of seated listener
Figure 7.3.1C