56 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
Figure 2.7.2—Curve ID box
Number: This identifies the number of the relevant curve. The arrow to the
right of these numbers indicates the current selected curve.
Source: This identifies the amplitude of each curve.
Type: The curve type is a little more complicated; each curve is identified by
three letters.
First letter:
I = Intermodulation Distortion
C = Composite
P = Pure-tone
D = Digital Speech
Second letter:
For pure-tone:
N = Normal pure-tone
F = Fast pure-tone
S = Short pure-tone
For composite or digital speech:
W = Weighted composite
F = Flat weighted
S = Spectrum
Third letter:
P = SPL measurement
G = Gain measurement
% = Percent
Note: When you toggle back and forth between Gain and SPL in the menu, all
curves are converted to the new format, except for spectrum measurements made
with the reference microphone turned off.
Lastly, between the SRC and TYP columns, the FP35 uses symbols to describe the
display status of the curves.
≡ Curve is completely on the graph
• Curve is measured but turned off
↓ Curve is partially off the bottom of the graph
↑ Curve is partially off the top of the graph
Curve is on, but is out of view above the graph
Curve is on but is out of view below the graph
Curve is partially off the graph in both directions