General Operation 29
AGE—The age of the patient. This is used for creating real-ear and coupler tar-
gets. Available with Real-Ear Option only.
AID GROUP—Type of hearing aid being tested. Choose STANDARD, AGC, or
ADAPTIVE (for adaptive AGC circuits). This selection sets the various delay
times used in pure-tone tests so that they are appropriate to the aid’s circuitry.
See Section 2.4 for more information on delay times.
AID TYPE—Style of hearing aid being tested, used for creating coupler targets.
Choose from BTE, ITE, ITC, CIC, and NONE. Available with the Real-Ear Option
COMPRESSION—Compression kneepoint, used for creating real-ear and coupler
targets. Select available in 1 dB steps, from MIN, the widest available compres-
sion to 69 dB SPL. Available with the Real-Ear Option only.
TARGET REF—Aided curve used to generate the real-ear target. In the real-ear
mode, the target is generated using the settings of one of the three available
aided measurement curves. Select a curve number to always use a particular
curve when generating the target. Choose AUTO to always use the current
selected curve when generating the target.
REF MIC—Status of the reference microphone during coupler measurements.
See Section 3.8.3 for more details.
DISTORTION—Type of distortion measured when performing a pure-tone mea-
surement. Choices are 2ND, 3RD, and TOTAL (2ND and 3RD) or OFF.
NOISE RED (TONE)—The amount of noise reduction used for pure-tone coupler
measurements. See Section for more information.
NOISE RED (COMP)—The amount of noise reduction used for Composite and
Digital Speech coupler measurements. See Section for more information.
COUPLER TYPE—The type of coupler being used in making sound chamber
measurements. Selections of CIC and MZ turn on corresponding software cor-
rection factors (see Sections 3.6 and 3.7). A selection of 2CC labels the curve
with the coupler type but doesn’t use any software corrections. A selection of
NONE neither labels nor applies correction factors to the curve. This selection
is only available with the CIC or OES Options are ordered.
TELECOIL—Status of coupler telecoil measurements. OFF disables telecoil mea-
surements in the coupler measurement screen. TMFS EAR enables the use of a
connected Telewand in coupler measurements through the earphone jack. TMFS
SPKR enables the use of the Telewand through the speaker jack (new style rear
panel only). TCOIL EAR enables the use of a connected external telecoil board
and/or Telewand for coupler measurements through the earphone jack. TCOIL
SPKR enables the telecoil measurements through the speaker jack (new style
rear panel only). See Section 2.5.8 for more details.