30 FONIX FP35 Hearing Aid Analyzer
Real-Ear (only available with Real-Ear Option)
REF MIC—Status of the reference microphone during real-ear measurements.
NOISE RED (TONE)—The amount of noise reduction used in pure-tone real-ear
measurements. See Section
NOISE RED (COMP)—The amount of noise reduction used in Composite or
Digital Speech real-ear measurements. See Section for more information.
OUTPUT LIMIT— The maximum dB SPL value that the analyzer will allow
when taking real-ear measurements. When this value is exceeded, the measure-
ment will automatically stop and the source will turn off in order to protect the
ASSESSMENT—The transducer used to take RECD/REDD and audiometric mea-
TELECOIL—Status of the real-ear telecoil measurements. OFF disables telecoil
measurements in the real-ear measurement screens. TMFS EAR enables the use
of a Telewand connected through the earphone jack. TMFS SPKR enables the
Telewand through the speaker jack (new rear panel only). There is no support
for the external telecoil board in real-ear measurements. See Section 2.5.8 for
more details.
VISIBLE SPEECH—Display used when the FP35 analyzer is in Spectrum
Analysis mode (requires Composite/Digital Speech Option). BARS displays a
set of vertical bars representing the maximum peaks of the measurements that
reach above the lower limits of the speech banana. AVERAGE displays a long
term average of the response using a peak decay method.
2.3.7 Explaining the Settings in the Advanced Menu
The Advanced Default Settings menu contains items that may be useful to some
advanced users. To reach it, press [MENU] from the Opening screen and then
push [NEXT]. The [BACK] key will return you to the Main Default Settings
F1 KEY—Operation of the F1 quick key in the Opening screen. Choose from
USER SETTING, CP MULTICURVE (Coupler Multicurve), CP TARGET (Coupler
Target), CP EARSIM (Coupler EarSim), AUDIOGRAM (Audiogram Entry), SPL
(Real-Ear SPL), GAIN (Real-Ear Aided & Unaided), and INS. GAIN (Real-Ear
Insertion Gain). Available only with Real-Ear Option. See Section 2.3.2 for
F2 KEY—Operation of the F2 key in the Opening screen. Choose from <none>
(no selection), AUDIOGRAM (Audiogram Entry), SPL (Real-Ear SPL), GAIN
(Real-Ear Aided & Unaided), and INS. GAIN (Real-Ear Insertion Gain). Available
only with Real-Ear Option.