Coupler Measurements 63
3.3.2 Setting up an ITE
Roll the Fun-Tak, provided with
each instrument, into a rod long
enough to go around the transmit-
ting end of the aid (approx. 2 in or
5 cm). Modeling clay can also be
used, but it doesn’t work as well.
Bend the Fun-Tak rod around the
canal end of the aid, making the
resulting “donut” flush with the end
of the aid. (Some users choose to seal
the vent opening at this end with a
small amount of Fun-Tak. This is a
good idea if the vent does not go all
the way through the aid.)
With the measuring microphone
removed from the HA-1 2-cc cou-
pler, align the sound opening of the
aid with the small hole at the end
of the coupler. Look through the
larger hole at the other end of the
coupler to be sure the sound open-
ing of the aid is clear of obstruc-
tions and correctly placed.
Seal the outside opening of any
vent of the aid with a small kernel
of Fun-Tak.