Coupler Measurements 65
3.4.1 Running a Test Curve
1. Enter the Coupler Multicurve screen by pressing [F3] from the Opening
screen. If the Coupler Target or Coupler EarSim screen is displayed when
you do this, instead of the Coupler Multicurve screen, use the [NEXT] key.
2. Press [MENU] from the Coupler Multicurve screen to make any necessary
selections. See Section 3.9 for details.
3. Level the sound chamber as described in Section 3.2, if necessary.
4. Set up the aid in the sound chamber as described in Section 3.3.
5. Use [F2] to select a curve number.
Figure 3.4.1A—Pure-tone measurement
6. Use [∨, ∧] to adjust the source level to the desired amplitude.
7. Use [F4] to select the source type. See Section 2.5 for an explanation of the
available source types
8. 8. Press [START/STOP] to initiate the frequency sweep. If you are using the
NORMAL, SHORT, or LONG selections, the test will stop when the sweep is
complete. The COMP, DIG SPCH, and FAST signals are continuous, making
it necessary to press [START/STOP] again when you want the signal to stop.
9. Use [<, >] to scroll back through the last four real-time measurements if
you used the COMP or DIG SPEECH signals.
10. Repeat steps 5-9 to take another measurement.