General Operation 23
Changing a global variable will change its value in all screens where it is avail-
able, including the Default Settings menu.
2.1.3 Using the Help Menus
Each screen of the FP35 analyzer contains a pop-up help feature to aid you if
you ever get stuck. If you find yourself uncertain of your next step, press the
[HELP] key. A pop-up window (Figure 2.1.3) will appear that lists the active
keys and explains what they will do from your current screen.
Figure 2.1.3—Pop-up Help Screen
2.1.4 Using the [EXIT] and [RESET] keys
The [EXIT] and [RESET] keys can be used to exit from any screen, menu, or
The [RESET] key resets the analyzer and returns you to the Opening screen.
Many settings, measurements, and test conditions are erased or returned to their
default conditions with the push of this key. Use [EXIT] instead of [RESET] to
avoid the loss of data.
The [EXIT] key will close a pop-up window or local menu. When all such
windows and menus are closed, the [EXIT] key will exit you from the current
screen, leaving all settings, measurements, and test conditions as is.