Chapter 2 19
General Operation
This chapter describes the general operation of the FP35 analyzer, including
basic operation of the keys, screen navigation, default settings, source types, and
2.1 Operation of Keys
The general operation of the various keys on the FP35 analyzer is described in
this section. This includes a description of the function keys, the arrow keys,
and the Menu, Help, Reset, Exit, Level, Feed, Print, Stop, and Start keys.
2.1.1 Using the Function Keys
There are four basic uses of the function keys:
• Tonavigatefromscreentoscreen
• Totoggleaselection
• Topop-upupaselectionmenu
• Toperformanaction
A short description of the function of the key is always displayed above the key
on the bottom of the FP35 display.
In the Opening screen, the function keys are used to navigate the various mea-
surement screens. See Figure 2.1.1A for a flowchart of the available screens on
the FP35 analyzer.
[F2] takes you to one of the real-ear screens: Audiogram Entry, Insertion Gain,
Unaided and Aided, or Real-Ear SPL. Once you are in one of these screens, you
can move to one of the other screens by using the [NEXT] and [BACK] keys.
Audiogram Entry is the default screen, but [F2] will always take you back to the
last real-ear screen entered. These screens are only available when the Real-Ear
Option is ordered.
[F3] takes you to one of the coupler multicurve screens: Coupler Multicurve,
Coupler Target, or Coupler EarSim. You can navigate between these screens
using the [NEXT] and [BACK] keys. Coupler Multicurve is the default screen,
but [F3] will always take you back to the last coupler multicruve screen entered.
Coupler Target and Coupler EarSim are only available with the Real-Ear Option.
[F4] and [F5] are used to take you to an automated test sequence screen. The
four available automated test sequences on the FP35 analyzer are: ANSI 96,
ACIC, IEC, JIS, and ISI. Only the automated test sequences that you have
ordered will be available.