Port Traffic Controls
Configuring Rate-Limiting
Note The mode using bits per second (bps) in releases before K.12.XX has been
replaced by the kilobits per second (kbps) mode. Switches that have config-
urations with bps values will be automatically converted when you update
your software to the new version. However, an older config file with bps values
must be updated manually to kbps values or it will not load successfully onto
a switch running later versions of the software (K.12.XX or greater).
The rate-limit all command controls the rate of traffic sent or received on a
port by setting a limit on the bandwidth available. It includes options for:
■ Rate-limiting on either inbound or outbound traffic.
■ Specifying the traffic rate as either a percentage of bandwidth, or in terms
of bits per second.
Syntax: [no] int <port-list> rate-limit all < in | out > <percent <0-100> | kbps
< 0-10000000>>
Configures a traffic rate limit (on non-trunked ports) on the
link. The “no” form of the command disables rate-limiting on
the specified ports.
(Default: Disabled.)
Options include:
• in or out — Specifies a traffic rate limit on inbound traffic
passing through that port, or on outbound traffic.
• percent or kbps — Specifies the rate limit as a percentage of
total available bandwidth, or in kilobits per second.
•The rate-limit icmp command specifies a rate limit on
inbound ICMP traffic only (see “ICMP Rate-Limiting” on
page 13-9).
• Rate-limiting does not apply to trunked ports (including
meshed ports).