
Monitoring and Analyzing Switch Operation
Traffic Mirroring
Syntax: mirror endpoint ip < src-ip > < src-udp-port > < dst-ip > < exit-port-# >
no mirror endpoint ip < src-ip > < src-udp-port > < dst-ip >
< src-udp-port >: This parameter must exactly match the <src-
udp-port > value you configure on the source switch for the
remote session. The recommended port range is 7933 to
This setting associates the monitored source with the
desired remote endpoint in the remote session by using the
same, unique UDP port number to identify the session on
the source and remote switches.
< dst-ip >: This parameter must exactly match the < dst-ip >
setting you configure on the source switch for the remote
< exit-port-# >: Exit port for mirrored traffic in the remote
session, to which a traffic analyzer or IDS is connected.
3. Configure a Mirroring Session on the Source Switch
To configure local mirroring, only a session number and exit port number are
required. See “Configuring a Source Switch in a Local Mirroring Session”
below for more information.
If the exit port for a mirroring destination is on a remote switch instead of the
local (source) switch, then you must enter the source IP address, destination
IP address, and UDP port number for the remote mirroring session (see page