Printer Messages A-1
Print Messages
Printer Messages
Printer Initialization Failure
In the unlikely event that the printer does not start correctly, follow these steps:
1. The printer may self-diagnose the problem and display the message as shown in Figure
A-2, on page A-2.
2. Write down the error code and message that appears on the Control Panel.
3. Refer to “Call Engineer error messages and codes” on page A-9 to determine the mean-
ing of the error code.
4. If the error code calls attention to a specific physical component or location on the
printer, check the area specified and correct the problem. If you can, print a test pattern,
described in “Maintaining Print Quality” on page 6-1.
5. If you cannot resolve the problem, call your service representative, or refer to “Where
To Call For Help” on page F-1 for the telephone number of your nearest
Hewlett-Packard service representative. Be prepared to give the service representative
the error code and any messages that appear on the Control Panel to assist in trouble-
Printer Reset
You can reset the printer without powering it off and on. This may be necessary if the printer is
stopped and the Control Panel does not respond.