
22 USING THE HUB: Hub Configuration
ured on the unit.
Configuring the M208 with an IP address
There are a number of ways to configure the M208 with an IP address, either automat-
ically with a shell script or manually.
Please see Computer-aided Configuration with ezsetup or npconfig on page 36, Man-
ual Configuration Through the Network with ARP on page 37, Manual Configuration
Through the Network with RARP on page 38, Manual Configuration Through the Net-
work with BOOTP on page 39, or Manual Configuration Through the COM Port on
page 40, or USING NPWIN on page 127 for step-by-step instructions.
Enabling/Disabling a Port
This feature allows you to manually enable or disable a particular port. By default, all
ports are enabled and the M208 will auto-sense when a device is connected to the port
and will start sending data signals to the port.
A port that has been manually disabled will not auto-sense when a device is attached
to it. You must manually enable any port that has been manually disabled before auto-
sensing will work.
To disable a particular port, please follow the steps below:
1 Login to the M208 as a root user.
2 At the npsh prompt, type the following command:
config hub [
] [-]enable
where portnum is the number between 1 and 9 of the port that you want to dis-
The config hub command stores the configuration setting to EEPROM and auto-
matically resets the unit.
Enabling/Disabling Link Integrity on a 10Base-T Port
This feature allows you to stop a port from generating a link integrity signal. This sig-
nal informs a hub of the presence of a device connect to it over a twisted-pair cable
and of the integrity of that link. By default, link integrity is enabled on all ports.
If you have a non-10Base-T product connected to the hub, you may need to disable the
link integrity on that particular port or else the port will experience excessive colli-
sions and auto-partion itself.