Each destination on the M208 also has a model associated with it. The six models (one
per destination) can be thought of as a series of mini-filter that can do special process-
ing to the print job data. These processing options include:
• banner page generation,
• header string insertion,
• trailer string insertion,
• tab expansion (xtab),
• carriage return insertion (onlcr),
• ASCII to PostScript conversion (a2ps),
• print job descrambling.
The default model names are m1 to m6 and each comes mapped to a particular desti-
nation. By default, the model settings are raw, that is, they simply pass data through to
the I/O port untouched. This provides a clean slate to begin your configuration. Model
names can be changed to be something more meaningful.
The models are not capable of multiple copies and throughput may decrease if onlcr
or a2ps is enabled.
Each model definition includes: name, type, and some of these processing parame-
ters, if any.
See also: list model on page 100, set model on page 110, Setting Up Special Job Pro-
cessing on page 132, and USING NPWIN on page 127.
Table 3: Model Types
Setting Inclusions
raw No content sensing. Jobs are assumed to match the printer
type, or else the printer does the autosensing and switching.