
Chapter 6: Installing an Additional Processor
7. Install the CPU thermal dummies into the bottom half of the Processor/Memory Complex as
described in “Installing a CPU Thermal Dummy” in Chapter 6.
8. Install the memory board into the bottom half of the Processor/Memory Complex as described
in “Removing and Installing Memory Boards” in Chapter 5.
9. Install the triple beam and metal baffle.
10. Carefully turn the Processor/Memory Complex over so that you can work on the topside.
11. Install the processors and power pods into the top half of the Processor/Memory Complex as
described in “Installing an Additional Processor” in Chapter 6.
12. Install the triple beam and metal baffle.
13. Install the memory board into the top half of the Processor/Memory Complex as described in
“Removing and Installing Memory Boards” in Chapter 5.
14. Install the Processor/Memory Complex into the server as described in “Installing the
Processor/Memory Complex” in Chapter 5.