Chapter 10: Configuring the HP Server
10 Configuring the HP Server
This chapter provides instructions for the utilities provided with your
HP Server. It supplements the basic installation steps provided in the “HP Server rx4610 Installation
Guide”. The CD-ROM shipped with your server contains the latest information regarding the various
software and firmware utilities.
Configuring the HP Server
These utilities are used for powering on the system, modifying the standard configuration, initial
server set up, testing functionality, and upgrading your server. The following procedures are
described below:
• Power-on Sequence and Power-on Self Test
• EFI Boot Manager
• Server Management Configuration Utility
• BIOS Setup Utility
• QLogic SCSI Utility
• SELViewer Utility
• SDR Viewer Utility
• IFlash64
• FWUpdate
Power-on Sequence and Power-on Self Test (POST)
Turning on the system causes POST to run and control to pass to the Boot Manager. From the Boot
Manager, you can choose to invoke the EFI Shell or you can choose to go to the Boot Maintenance
Menu. For information on the Boot Manager, refer to “The Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) Boot
Manager”. For information on the EFI Shell, refer to “The Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI)
Follow these steps to power up the HP Server:
1. Press the Power on/off button on the Front Control Panel. Pressing this button causes the
server fans to start up and POST begins to run. You can monitor boot progress in two different
places: the video display and the LCD display on the Front Panel. Information appears in the
LCD display first.
NOTE To enter the BIOS Setup Utility you must immediately start pressing <F2>
repeatedly after you first power on the server. Doing so interrupts the boot process