Chapter 10: Configuring the HP Server
endfor Delimiter for loop constructs (scripts only)
endif Delimiter for IF THEN constructs (scripts
err [level] Sets or displays error level
for var in <set> Loop constructs (scripts only)
goto label Jumps to label locations (scripts only)
guid [-b] [sname] Dumps known guid ids
help [-b] [internal_command] Displays help information.
if [not] condition then Conditional construct (scripts only)
load driver_name Loads a driver
ls [-b] [dir] [dir] ... Obtains directory listing
map [-bdvr] [sname[:]] [handle] Maps sname to device path
mem [address] [size] [;MMIO] Dumps Memory or Memory Mapped IO
memmap [-b] Dumps memory map
mkdir dir [dir] Makes a directory
mm address [Width] [;Type] Memory Modify: Mem, MMIO, IO, PCI
mode [col row] Sets or gets the current text mode
mount BlkDevice [sname[:]] Mounts a file system on a block device
PalProc arg1 [arg2] [arg3] [arg4] Makes a PAL call
pause Prompt to quit or continue (scripts only)
pci [bus_dev] [func] Displays PCI device information
reset [/warm] [reset_string] Performs a cold or warm reset
rm file/dir [file/dir] Removes files or directories
set [-bdv] [sname] [value] Sets or gets environment variables
stall microseconds Delays for the specified number of
time [hh:mm:ss] Gets or sets the time
type [-a] [-u] [-b] file Displays the contents of a file
ver Displays version information
vol fs [volume_label] Sets or displays a volume label