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(2) Setting the Specimen Height and Specimen Height and Size
The specimen height and the specimen size measured in (1) are set. This setting limits the
amount of the movement of the stage (Z and T direction), and protects the specimen and
and components inside the specimen chamber from damage by contact of both.
(a) Moving the Stage to the Specimen Exchange Position
The specimen size and height can be set only at the exchange position.
If the Set button is disabled, (grayed out), click the Exchange Z65 [HOME Z65] button in
Fig. 3.2-10 (a). The stage will move to Exchange position.
(b) Setting the Specimen Height and Specimen Size
On the SPECIMEN block on the Stage tab, click the Set button in Fig. 3.2-10 (b). Set
Sample Size / Detector window will open.
(a) Exchange Z65 button (b) SPECIMEN block
Fig. 3.2-10 Exchange Z65 Button and SPECIMEN Block