Code Message Text Explanation and Countermeasure
2070 For correct operation of the PC-
SEM, set the Display properties
at 1280x1024 pixels for the
desktop area.
And confirm setting of the color
palette and the refresh rate are
optimal value to PC and the
(Recommended setting: Full
color (about16illion), 60Hz or
During program startup, the system checks the Desktop
settings, and if the settings indicated on the left are not in
effect, it generates this message. If this happens, cancel
the S-3400N startup process, change Desktop settings as
appropriate, and restart Windows.
2101 Please input file name. Input a file name and then, click the Save button.
2102 Please input user name. Input or select a user name and then, click the Save button.
2103 Input sample name, limit is 40
2104 Input keyword, limit is 20 bytes.
These messages will be shown when you input too many
characters. Input within specified number of characters.
2105 Auto increment counter has
reached 99.
Please use another file name.
Quick saving allows up to 99 file names. Use another file
2106 Input comment sentence, limit is
80 bytes.
This message will be shown when you input over
80 characters for comment.
2107 Please input comment. CD Measurement option – [Calibration]
Input a comment before clicking the Apply button.
2108 File name is duplicated. This message will be shown when you have specified a file
name already used. Use another name.
2109 File name is too long. Up to 255 characters are acceptable for a file name
including drive name, folder name, and extension.
2110 User table is not empty.
Delete all lists or images by using
Remove List Command or Delete
Image Command before deleting
User table.
If a user account is to be deleted in SEM Data Manager,
the image list for that user must be empty.
Execute either the [Remove List] command (removing the
list only from the database) or [Delete Image] (also deleting
image files) command to delete the list, and then remove
the user.
2111 Cannot save in the Folder. Specify another folder.
2112 Invalid character is included. The input possibly includes characters not allowed (/ : ; , * ?
“ < > |).
2113 Please input No. of Quick Save
within the range from 1 to 99.
Quick saving allows up to 99 file names. Specify a start
number smaller than 99.
*2121 The number of written items
exceeds the maximum. More
items cannot be input.
Number of texts or graphics exceeds allowable number.
Delete some of texts or graphics to add new one.
2140 Invalid file name. The file name possibly includes characters not allowed
(/ : ; , * ? “ < > |).
2141 File name is too long.
Up to 255 characters are
acceptable for a file name
including folder name.
Use file name shorter than 255 characters including folder
name and extension.
2142 Invalid User name. The User name possibly includes characters not allowed
(/ : ; , * ? “ < > |).