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Scanning mode: TV/FAST
Reduced area (320 x 240 pixels)
Waveform display
Split screen/dual mag mode
High-definition capture (5120 x 3840 pixels maximum)
Frame integration capture (2560 x 1920 pixels maximum)
Scanning speed: TV scanning (640 x 480 pixel display: 25/30* frames/s)
FAST scanning (full screen display: 6.3/7.5* frames/s)
Slow scanning
(full screen display: 1, 4, 20/16, 40/32, 80/64* s/frame)
(640 x 480 pixel display 0.5, 2, 10/8, 20/16, 40/32* s/frame)
Reduced area scanning (320 x 240 pixel display: 25/30, 3/4*
High-definition capture scanning
(2560 x 1920 pixels: 40/32, 80/64, 160/128* s/frame)
(5120 x 3840 pixels: 80/64, 160/128, 320/256* s/frame)
* Power supply synchronization: 50/60 Hz
Auto-tuning feature: Auto brightness & contrast control (ABCC)
Auto focus control (AFC)
Auto stigma & focus (ASF)
Auto filament saturation (AFS)
Auto beam alignment (ABA)
Auto beam setting (ABS)
(Auto filament saturation + auto beam alignment + auto gun
bias alignment)
Auto axial alignment (AAA)
(applicable to aperture/stigma alignment)
Signal/image processing function: S/N improvement by averaging (TV/FAST scanning)
S/N improvement by pixel integration
Frame integration (maximum number of integrated frames:
1024) (TV, FAST, SLOW1 scanning)
2-color synthesized image display (realtime/saved image in
2-image simultaneous display)
Pseudo-color image display (saved image)
Realtime image processing (brightness reversal, gamma
Realtime histogram display
Image processing on saved images
(brightness reversal, gamma adjustment, various space filter