
6.3 Specification of S-3400N External Communication (Option)
6 - 30
Home position moving 2
SetStageHomePosition2 () as Long
Return 0: Normal receiving
Excluding 0: Abnormal receiving
Comment: Move to Z=65mm
The method is finished at completion of
command analysis.
The completion of etStageHomePosition2 is
notified by the StagePositionFinished event.
If the return value is not 0, the
StagePositionFinished event is not issued.
The StagePositionChange event is
periodically generated while the stage is
Please do not use other method until
receiving the StagePositionFinished event.
If the sample size is selecting 50 x 5 mm,
30 x 10 mm or EBSP, it is not possible to
move by external communication.
So, StagePositionFinished event generate
the ErrCode 1 (Impracticable).