3.9 Other Functions
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3.9.15 Password Setting
Use the Password Setting dialog window for setting or changing the password of the login
name for current user.
To open this dialog window, select the Password Setting command from the Option menu.
Fig. 3.9-44 Password Setting Window
The present login name is shown in the User box. Input present password to Old Password
box and then input New Password and Confirm Password. Click the OK button. Up to eight
characters are accepted as password. Uppercase and lowercase letters are distinguished.
If you click the OK button without entering New and Confirm Password, password will be
Setting login name is possible using the Login Setting dialog window. It is only accessible
when logged in with the superintendent login name "S-3400".
3.9.16 Setting Login Name
By setting login names and passwords, the instrument will be protected from unauthorized users'
When the instrument is shipped, the login name "S-3400" is set up with no password. Use this
name for the user who is responsible for the instrument.
Use Login Setting command in the Option menu for setting a password for the login name
"S-3400" and also for setting other login names and passwords. This command is available
only when logged in with "S-3400".
Fig. 3.9-45 Login Setting Menu