Message List
The table below lists messages that can appear when the S-3400N is being used.
Messages without a message code are for instructions, simple notifications, or confirmation
messages; they are not included in the table below.
Message codes listed below that are marked with an * appear as error codes.
Code Message Text Explanation and Countermeasure
*1301 Repair unsuccessful.
*1302 Optimize unsuccessful.
Failed to repair or optimize database file using SEM Data
Manager - Tool – Database Utility or S-4800 – Help –
Maintenance function. If you tried and failed to repair
database when the code 2014 error appeared, contact a
service engineer.
2000 Invalid input data
2001 Invalid data (out of range)
2002 Only a number is acceptable.
2003 Invalid Data.
These messages will be shown when input data is not
correct. Confirm acceptable data and then, input again.
2004 The name is used in the system. S-3400N uses this login name. Use other names.
2007 Invalid login name. Use a login name already registered. [S-3400] is the
default login name.
Note that capital and small letters are distinguished for login
names. Confirm your input.
2008 The password you typed is
You entered incorrect password. Note that capital and
small letters are distinguished for login names.
Confirm your input.
*2010 Specified file is different from the
condition file for PC_SEM. SEM
Parameters will be initialized.
The file for operation condition is not correct. When this
message is shown, check if other application is using files
of extension pm1.
*2014 Database not found Failed to access database files of S-4800 or SEM Data
Manager. If the message is shown when you are using
SEM Data Manager, try to repair the file [SDM.sdb] using
Tool – Database Utility. If it is shown when you are
operating SEM, try to repair files using
Help - Maintenance function.
2016 Specified file not moved because
source and destination folders
are the same.
This message will be shown when you have specified the
same directory as of the source files for the target directory
in Batch Process - Move File command. Specify a
directory other than that of source files for the target
2017 Is already Exist. This message will be shown when the input User name (or
login name) is already used. Specify another name.
2031 Use as Magnification Lower than
This message will be shown when you click the Get Image
button at a higher magnification than ×5,000.