PC - 5
We have tested the following anti-virus software that install in the personal computer of PC-SEM,
and confirmed that the SEM control software operates correctly (as of February 2005).
Symantec Norton Anti Virus 2004
Symantec Norton Anti Virus 2005
Our company doesn't support above-mentioned anti-virus software. The user is requested to
prepare a proper Computer viruses protection on his or her own responsibility with consulting to
the network administrator. It is not guaranteed failure of instrument or damage of basic software,
application software or other data due to a computer virus.
3. Other setting
3.1 Login User Name
When the instrument is shipped from factory, the Login User Name is set as follows.
User Name Password Group Memberships Application
Power Users Used for operation of SEM.
System environment cannot be
Administrator hitachi Administrators Used for system management.
System environment can be set.
SEM ∗∗∗∗ Administrators Used for maintenance of SEM.
Do not change setting.
• It is possible to set a password for users "Administrator" and "PC-SEM". For setting way of
the password, refer to the instruction manual for Windows.
• Set the Group Memberships to "Administrators" or "Power Users" when you create a new
account. The control software doesn't execute normally, when setting it to "Users".
3.2 Setting of Display Properties
Right-click on Desktop, and select Properties in the displayed menu.
(1) Desktop tab
Background: [None]
(2) Screen Saver tab
Screen saver: [None]
Monitor Power (Click the Power button):
Power schemes: Always On
Turn off monitor, Turn off hard disk, System standby, System hibernates: Set everything
to Never.