3.4 Adjusting the Electron Optical System
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• After the alignment process is finished, click the Off button on the [Alignment]
• Adjust the contrast so that the screen will be at the best possible brightness to view
(B) Using the Auto feature
This method allows you to perform alignment using ABA (Auto Beam Alignment) on
both Beam Align Shift and Beam Align Tilt.
• Click the Beam Align Shift button.
• Click the Auto button shown in the figure below:
Fig. 3.4-6 Selecting the Auto Beam Alignment
• ABA (Auto Beam Alignment) is performed, and an alignment is accomplished.
• Click the Beam Align Tilt button.
• Similarly, click the Auto button.
• The ABA is performed, after which the Beam Alignment process terminates.
NOTICE: If an image fails to show even when the contrast to is set to a maximum, redo the
beam alignment as follows: click Reset All, set the Probe Current to approximately 80,
perform a beam alignment, and then set the Probe Current to a level required by the
operating condition (default: 50).